Do You Suffer From Neck Pain?
The seemingly simple things we take for granted everyday become all but impossible.
Brushing our hair, shoulder checking when driving, drinking our coffee or even rolling over in bed can trigger the pain.
Neck pain is one of the most common ailments experienced in our population.
Many years of uncorrected spinal stresses or injuries to the body may over time become symptomatic. You may overlook the day to day aches and pains as a normal part of the aging process, but if left untreated, this pain can lead to more serious problems.
It is important to understand the exact cause of your neck pain so that the appropriate treatment can be administered.
Many people seek relief on their own and often look at treatments that are usually just a band-aid solution to a much larger underlying problem.
At Gregg Chiropractic Life Centers we approach your neck pain individually, working to figure out the exact cause of your neck pain and then providing individualized recommendations to help you get better, and stay better.
When you arrive at our office with neck pain, our team of practitioners perform an extensive case history, a detailed and specific examination based on your condition, and, if necessary, appropriate imaging, such as X-Ray and MRI, are obtained.
It is through this detailed process that we investigate and diagnose the exact cause of your neck pain.
We then recommend and provide appropriate treatment based on your condition to get you healing as quickly and effectively as possible.
Every individual is unique and your condition should be treated as unique.
We want to help you with your neck pain and we have worked successfully with many cases of neck pain.
The neck is a delicate part of the spine that has a huge responsibility; to maintain the stability and support of your head and provide strength.
Since it is such an intricate web of nerves, joints and muscles, it can be affected by the smallest impacts.
Something as simple as sleeping in an awkward position or looking down at your phone can cause issues in similar ways that more serious impacts such as an auto accident or a bodycheck in sports can affect you.
Whether or not you feel as though this issue is serious or not, it can cause a series of severe long-lasting effects such as radiation to other parts of your spine as well as headaches or discomfort with the movement of your shoulders and arms.
After the initial impact is experienced, a funnel of issues can develop where discomfort is felt and continues to worsen over time until the problem has been correctly addressed.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Neck Pain:
When a misalignment occurs in the spine, irritation of the nerves can occur in the surrounding areas.
Disabling the pain and tightness of the neck, chiropractic treatment can be a great way to fix this problem properly.
Our doctors at Gregg Chiropractic Life Centers are experienced with these occurrences and can offer a range of treatment options to alleviate you from that irritating neck pain.